
Facebook contest

Hey fans, friends, and followers,

There’s a little contest going on over at my Facebook page: when I hit 500 “likes” on that page, I’ll give TWO people a paperback copy of both Sewerville and Lost Change and Loose Cousins! When the page hits 500, I’ll put everybody in the drawing, pull out the two random winners, and then notify them via Facebook message.

As I type this, there are 400+ likes on the page already, so get over there. Click the big “thumbs up” and let’s do this thing!

(You can also like the page from the FB link at right.)

On a minor note, that last episode of The Walking Dead Season 3 was a little underwhelming. It didn’t solve a lot, and it didn’t leave much of a cliffhanger. Still a great show, but I personally liked Season 2 better.

On another minor note, and speaking of Season 2, Season 2 of The Killing is available on Netflix now. I’ve started catching up on that, since a latecoming Season 3 will finally debut this year. If you haven’t yet watched The Killing, give it a shot. Once you get past the fact there are practically no recognizable faces in the cast (although the lead actress is starring in World War Z and her onscreen partner plays RoboCop in next year’s remake), you’ll find a great drama. Go now.

On a major note — major for me, anyway — I have it on good authority that  a new book with my name on it will be out by summer. More news to come over the next few weeks.